The Best Places to Go Stargazing in Egypt

Nabq National Park, Sharm El-Sheikh
Nabq National Park, Sharm El-Sheikh | © Ludmila Yilmaz / Shutterstock
Yosra Shohayeb

The idea of staring into the dark sky and contemplating nature’s creations is absolutely breathtaking. However, the city’s pollution and tall buildings are making it harder to enjoy this pleasure. Egypt has some of the best stargazing sites in the world; you just need to drive a little so you can reach the perfect spot. Here are the best places to go stargazing in Egypt and unplug.

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Pyramids of Giza

BEW4H7 Light and Sound Show at Pyramids of Giza, Cairo, Egypt

Watching the Milky Way light up the sky over ancient Egypt seems too good to be true, but luckily, it is a reality. While tourists rush to view the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx in the early morning, opt for doing the same, but at night. Not only will you get to stargaze into the dark sky, but you will also get to see the pyramids in a unique way while escaping the crowds. Don’t miss the sound and light show, which brings the great pyramids to life while the Sphinx narrates ancient history.


Located just an hour and a half away from Cairo via car, stargazing has never been this easy and accessible in the Egyptian desert. While every oasis is hours away from Cairo, Fayoum is as close as you can get to the breathtaking Egyptian oasis. Most activities in Fayoum are spent outdoors like sand boarding, horseback riding, exploring ancient monuments and more. And the most prominent, of course, is night dreaming into Fayoum’s constellations overlooking its marvellous Magic Lake in the middle of the desert.

Fayoum’s desert

White Desert

What’s great about the Egyptian desert is that you get the chance to undertake experiences like no other. From desert safaris to hiking and trekking, desert camping is a once in a lifetime experience that only adventurous souls can handle. Fall asleep counting the stars in the middle of the desert between the rocky mountains of the White Desert, enjoy the sound of nature’s silence and unplug from the busy outside world.

White Desert

Saint Catherine

Located in the town of Saint Catherine, it may take you hours to climb Mount Catherine and reach its summit; however, after reaching the top of Egypt’s highest summit located in Sinai and seeing the view from up there, you’ll forget about your sore feet. Nevertheless, if Mount Catherine is a little high for you, there’s always the breathtaking Mount Moses. Not only is it a lighter climb, but it still has stunning views from above. Usually, most visitors enjoy watching the sunrise from high above; however, opt for a totally different experience and see the dark sky like you have never seen it before.

Mount Moses

Sharm El-Sheikh

Located on the southeast coast of the Sinai Peninsula, Sharm El-Sheikh is Egypt’s most visited resort town for its crystal blue beaches, colourful coral reefs and amazing diving locations. It is true that Sharm El-Sheikh’s Red Sea has a unique world under the sea that will leave you speechless. However, it also has an astonishing world above the water when you look at its sky. Dive into its dark sky with your significant other and experience a romantic night filled with stars lighting up the coral coast.


Just two hours away from Sharm El-Sheikh, you can enjoy a different kind of a stargazing experience in the eastern part of the Sinai Peninsula. The area is famous for its environmentally friendly lodges, where most rooms are made of bamboo huts serving the boho spirit of the area. It’s a place where you can enjoy nature, peace and tranquillity, as well as the beach and its white sand. Get lost staring into the beautiful sky overlooking the beach and mountains and disconnect from reality.

Nuweiba, Red Sea

Siwa Oasis

Right in the heart of the Western Desert lies an Egyptian oasis like no other, far away from the city’s hustle and bustle. It is a distinctive cultural location as tribes who speak Siwi still live here and retain their own language. There are tons of ways to enjoy Siwa; either through treating your skin to its hot springs, cycling in the city, climbing mountains, camping in the desert or staring at the stars at night as they light up the city’s famous palm trees and surreal salt lake.

Siwa Oasis
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