A Guide to Venice’s Most Unique Tours and Experiences

There’s plenty to discover in Venice, if you know where to look
There’s plenty to discover in Venice, if you know where to look | © Matthias Scholz / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

As one of the world’s most iconic cities, it may feel like there’s nothing new to see or do in Venice. But look past the gondola rides and museums and you’ll discover a completely different aspect of the city that’s just waiting to be explored. Culture Trip picks the floating city’s best unique tours and experiences.

Loved by over 40s

Venice, though a dream destination for many, may seem as if it’s overplayed: like a city with nothing to offer the intrepid, culturally curious traveller. But nothing could be further from the truth. This canal-crossed city retains an aura of mystery and intrigue, despite the numbers that flock to the Piazza San Marco every season. Here are some of the most interesting experiences and attractions on offer, from a travelling opera performance and a truly authentic cooking experience to a brand-new (and breathtaking) way of exploring the canals.


Enjoy a 2.5 hour tour of the most famous wine parlors of Venice and visit also some of the most interesting art and historic sites led by a professional local guide. You can choose between a private experience or being part of a small group (max 12 people).You will taste a great selection of regional wines and spirits served with typical appetizers. Between the tasting sessions you will see some off-the-beaten-track marvels.


Discover the floating city of Venice without following the bustling crowds. That’s right! Your private local insider has carefully selected the best hidden alleyways and paths that lead to hidden jewels. Wander through local neighbourhoods, beautiful gardens, and even a crowdless island.


Enjoy 100 minutes guided kayaking tour in Venice with highly qualified guides to let you see many different aspects of an incredible city.We will visit all the hidden gems of Venice that only locals know. You will get to see the main monuments of Venice from a different point of view, directly in contact with nature. We strongly believe in sustainable tourism. We love our city. It is fragile and needs to be treated kindly. Kayaking in Venice means discovering its intimate part, the most hidden and beautiful places, without any negative environmental impact.


We will visit all the hidden gems of Venice that only locals know. You will get to see the main monuments of Venice from a different point of view, directly in contact with nature. We strongly believe in sustainable tourism. We love our city. It is fragile and needs to be treated kindly. Paddling in Venice means discovering its intimate part, the most hidden and beautiful places, without any negative environmental impact.


If you want to live a real experience in the heart of Venice that’s the right choice!A Venetian Master Artisan will explain to you, in 1-hour course, the traditional art of making or decorating a mask, an artistic personal event which will make you live the preparation for the Venetian Carnival.Create your own unique masterpiece and following your artistic streak, a special memory of an amazing experience, and keep your artistic creation of the most emblematic icon of Venice! An unconventional and handcrafted moment to live with your family or friends!

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