Leave the Crowds Behind and Take a Fresh Look at the Magic of Venice

Enjoy a side of Venice that many visitors wont experience
Enjoy a side of Venice that many visitors won't experience | © TRAVELSCAPES / Alamy Stock Photo
Culture Trip Travel Team

Venice is a city like no other, and therefore it must be explored like no other. Take a journey into the real Venice with the help of these carefully selected tour guides and experience providers.

Loved by over 40s

The water-bound city of Venice is famous for many things: the unique cuisine made from fresh fish hauled in from the lagoon, the beautiful views created by the canals and the history embedded into the cobbles of each tiny, winding street. If you want to experience all that Venice is known for without sticking to the ordinary tourist trail, here’s how to do so. Culture Trip has selected the very best of Venice’s tours and experiences that allow you to step off the beaten path without missing any of the once-in-a-lifetime highlights.

With these tours, you’ll dine on Venice’s delicacies with small plates of cicchetti, explore the secret corners of the ancient streets and capture the city’s beauty forever on film.


What would a real Venetian holiday be without Italian food and culture? Therefore we created this special Food, Wine & Sightseeing tour for you, where you get to taste some of the most typical food from this marvelous city. You will also learn a lot from your local guide about the history and the culture of Venice. To get a real insight in all of that, you have to start from the famous Rialto fresh market; nearby we will also start our food tour, enjoying some small bites called cicchetti together with local wine and prosecco in the traditional Bacari bars. Then our tour continues to some of the main highlights of this word-famous city, such as Rialto Bridge, the Grand Canal, Marco Polo’s house and many others. Our tour guide will answer all your questions regarding not only the places you visit, but also the habits and traditions of the locals. If you want to get a real insight in the life of a Venetian, come join us on this 4-hour walking Food, Wine & Sightseeing tour.


Touring a new city can be a very exciting experience, but it can also be quite an adventure if you are unsure of which places to visit and how. Language barrier may also represent a curious obstacle, but it can also be frustrating. We offer an innovative and unforgettable Photographic Tour to welcome you in some of the most fascinating and romantic places in the world. We will guide you in an exclusive tour through the most interesting landmarks and monuments.A 3-hour one-to-one photo walk discovering hidden and secluded parts of Venice, without forgetting the famous landmarks, while taking great shots and with a one-to-one tuition to improve your photography skills!The tour is one-to-one so there will be just you, or accompanied by your family/friends.The tour can be tailor-made based on your interests and expectations, can be more photography workshop vs. Venice less touristy tour.


This 2-hours small-group tour is a great way to explore Venice’s Jewish ghetto and part of the Cannaregio district with the added unique experience of true Venetian aperitif. You will have the opportunity to stroll through the narrow winding streets of this quiet neighborhood, stopping to sample Spritz and Cicchetti.This tour is limited to 12 people, so you’ll enjoy personalized attention from your guide. Cicchetti and Spritz are included.

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2 years.


It's the personal contact, the personal experiences. I love meeting people from all over the world... I really like getting to know everyone and feeling like I'm traveling with a group of friends.


I have so many places on my list, but I would really lobe to go to Africa. I consider myself an “adventure girl” and Africa feels like the ULTIMATE adventure!

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Every CULTURE TRIP Small-group adventure is led by a Local Insider just like Hanna.

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